
Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

So tomorrow is the day!

Referring back to my Life List, “married with 2 kids”. I made it and god blessed i have a boy and a girl. So i guess that’s it!

Before i made this decision, I have always wonder why my friends would get “accidents” after they decided to settle with 2 kids. I also heard stories of people get “Accidents” when they are in the process of getting temporary Contraception Methods. I do not want to follow my mum’s footstep of having a baby at age 48!

I figured out that one day i would regret of having just 2 kids hence i gonna list down all my reasons here of shutting my factory down.

I spoken to mums with more than 2 grown up kids, they all find having more than 2 kids are still not enough. I should learn to be contended with just 2 kids.

Is getting more and more expensive to raise kids, especially we send them to Interation School. Travelling is cheaper and easier with just 2 kids rather than 3 or 4. Imagine the extra room and extra taxi that you would need. and in case of anything, is easier to have 1 parent to save 1 kid.

I always want to be fair to both of them, i made hand casting for 1, and i did the same for the 2nd. I wrote Baby Memory book for him, and i did for her. Now i still owe her 2 photobooks and have no idea how i gonna catch up with that.

My body is not getting any healthier with more kids and i want to get healthier for my kids. I am getting more and more forgetful and i guess having more kids will make it worst. I breastfed my daughter til 3 years old, i have to be fair to my 3rd if it ever happen. No!

For the sake of myself and my kids, yes tomorrow is the day!

Initially i plan to do it in Miri as the price is 3 x cheaper, but the doctors wouldn’t do for me. Hence gonna fix at Jpmc.

Good Luck to me !!


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Dear Meghan

Its been a long breastfeeding relationship with you. I love it when you smile with your head nodding asking for Nen Nen time. I love it when you waited for me to give you Nen Nen time at night. I love to hear all funny noises you make during feeding.

Knowing you are my last born, I would love to wean you off naturally, following your will, without any cries.

But i think its time to stop now as you are not able to sleep well, waking up looking for Nennen couple of times and you would latch for the whole night. There are also decays on your teeth which left a tiny hole at your front tooth. My back are soaring from the side feeding every night. Tomorrow will be your first night sleeping without me around since you existed in this world.

I hope you can take it well. Love you





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今年生日不一样。 大部分的时间在家做喜欢的事。。。 那就是陪一个重要的人。
一个我爱的人, 一个看到我会手舞足蹈的人, 一个到了夜晚会等我的人, 一个我愿意付出所有的人,一个我一滴一滴奶喂大的人。。。



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宝贝, 我们相处已经六个月了。。。 自从你从妈妈肚子冲出来以后,妈妈就一滴一滴的奶,把你喂的那么丰满,妈妈很有耐性, 妈妈也要颁个最佳合作奖给你!!

今天可以没人干扰我们俩。 妈妈可以这样好好的看着你。。。



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Home Sweet Home

While everyone were busy house visiting during chinese new year, our family and neighbours were observing our homes closely… It was raining cats and dogs every day since december 2008 in Brunei.

Our house’s water pipe bursted and we got Mr Plumber to fix it. the next day it bursted again.. We started to see the Back of our house went up abit.. I’ve never seen anything like this before.. the water went underneath the ground and caused the soil to expand.

4th Feb 2009

4th Feb 2009

Broken Manhole

Broken Manhole

Our neighbour’s house is even worst. The Retaining wall of their house was about 5 Feet away, but it was only 1 feet away, and as for now, it touching and pushing the house. Fire and Rescue came and evacuated their house.

I started to worry, I couldn’t sleep at night.. I heard some loud bang in my dreams and i woke up several times tat night. The next day i woke up i saw part of the drain started to crack..



I started to pack, but my dad said it was not time to move yet, he wanted us to wait and see first.. I took pictures of our rooms..


It was on the 7th Feb Morning, I slept in my parents room as i didn’t feel comfortable sleeping in my own room, my room was nearest to my neighbour’s house. My dad woke everyone up and said the neighbour’s house going to collapse, he carried my sleeping brother to the car and left the house. I had my bags ready and carried them to my car and left not too long after. 
I took a picture of our neighbour house before i left.


After i left, my mum said the neighbour’s glass door burst out.. she left, and when we went back there later.. this is what happened..


4 days after I took the first picture, this is what happened..



And within a short time, the Fire and Rescue department decorated my house with this. How considerate, it was Chinese New Year, and we like “ang ang”..


Bye home sweet home ~

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Upgraded Ben!

Time flies.. he is now a primary school kid!

At first, the school didn’t allow him to go to Primary 1 as he will only be 6 yrs old in March. We told him that he might not be able to go to Primary 1, and he said “I think is a good thing, because I’m scared to go to Primary 1, I might not be able to find my friends” I was surprised to hear wat he said as all the while i tot he is a very brave kid. But somehow the school decided to let him proceed to Primary 1.

I bought his Uniform from Hua Ho, then I bought the Badge at $1 from School and stitched on his plain uniform. We still save about $2 per uniform and the quality of the uniform from Hua Ho is better with hard collar. As usual, he likes to pose…


Right before heading to school, we realised that we forgot to teach him on how to pee with his new pants.. is quite a challenging task, cos there is hook, zip and he is wearing underwear inside. I have no idea what’s the best way, should he just do it by unzipping the pants? How to get the “bird” out if he is wearing underwear? or should he remove the whole pants first? Luckily dad was at home..


All His ex  kindergarden-classmates moved to the same class as him in Primary 1, and hence he was very happy and started talking about BEN 10 stuff with his friend.. I sat beside him to wait for his teacher, and he pushed me away.. 😦


This is a much more decent scene compared to the 1st day when i went to Primary One.  My sister went to my classroom with a Belt and span it like a cowgirl. She wanted to ensure that everyone in the class know I have a big sister so that no one dare to Bully me.. I was nicer than my brother, i didn’t push her away, in fact I was so proud of her. But think about it now.. is really funny.. Haha..  imagine this…

Who dare to bully my little sister?!

Who dare to bully my little sister?!

Anyway, my sister is always there to protect me and take good care of me… so Sis, please get well soon!!

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I went to KL last week to bring my younger sister to her University. Her  University of Nottingham (Malaysia Branch) is located in Semenyih, a very remote area of Selangor.

When we entered the university, there was a huge ponds with ducks. the Campus is huge and there are several buildings with vending machines, elevators, and of cos the students. My mum said that this place looks like the campus of University of Exeter where my elder sister used to study.

At that point of time, Ouch… i felt a pinch in my heart… something is missing in my life.. i don’t have any University Campus life..

I was in Inti college Subang Jaya, where the place was like another Secondary School…  i heard they renovated the place and its very different now.. I can’t find any picture of the Old Inti College in Subang Jaya.

I then moved to Apiit, where the institute was in one of the building at Damansara Height. Apiit was occupied few floors from 9th floor onwards, taking lift to classes in formal business attire made me feel very executive at that time.
No lakes, no grass fields, no trees, We have to take picture in this commercial office Building

Although we had to wear formal business attire, but it still can’t stop us students from being a student. Coco you rock! 

I talked to Kokwei, Jason and Kenneth about how i felt, they all felt the same as me. Jason told me that at least a lot of companies prefer Apiit students. *really?? sure or not??*

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Just a quick post on Brunei’s Mooncake Festival..

Remember i mentioned about joining the lantern making contest? i didn’t join at the end, i went to check out the lanterns that day. wow.. they are getting better and better.. see below:

The Kungfu Panda is bigger than my sister, check out the cute Fuwa

They also invited chinese opera from China to perform for 15 days in the Chinese Temple, more photos covered by Anakbrunei.org.

At the other side of Brunei, Seria the Oiltown, traditional celebration still taking place..

Mooncake eating, Tea Drinking, Peanuts munching, firecrackers, praying and the lantern parade. As usual, we walked with our lantern along the street! These lanterns are reused many many times since many many years ago. It was from my Late Grandfather’s stall one.

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4th September 2008 – Brunei’s Hokkien Assocation

We went to the Pre Mooncake Festival Celebration at the Hokkien Association of Brunei. I’m not Hokkien by the way, my mum is, my late Grandpa joined this association and My family automatically became a member. Sounds better than multilevel Marketing kind of Membership scheme right?

We were served with Free Sungkai Buffet then follow by a series of games:

Activity 1: Children Coloring Contest – my brother and my little cousins joined. Although none of them win, but they each got a participation prize and they are all very happy. My bro didn’t know how a mooncake looks like..

Activity 2 – Riddle 灯谜

this is a very traditional games to play on mooncake festival back in China. There are several lanterns hanging up with a Riddle (no answer) written on it. there were altogether 10 Riddles, My Family got 4 riddles correct! and the prize is $10 for each riddle.


hokkien association, brunei
hokkien association, brunei


 Activity 3 – Chinese Caligraphy by Lawyer Yu

Honestly, i have the urge to pick up chinese caligraphy again after i saw his work.

Activity 4 – Mooncake Pictures Puzzle Game

This Puzzle game is quite an interesting one, the puzzle is a big square boxes with 2 pictures on each box. it is not an easy games as all the mooncake looks the same. Only 4 groups can participate in this activity. Round 1: My Aunt Bee and cousin Brian in 1 group and won the first round. Round 2: my sister and cousin Jiayng won the 2nd round. Round 3: 2 winners from the previous round gonna compete. At first i was busy taking photos, but at the end i got too excited and started to scream and guide them to win.

My sister’s gorup won at the end and got $40, my aunt’s group got $20.

Activity 5: Mooncake eating contest

My aunt told me last year the competitors ate really slow, so i tot i might have a chance to win, so i joined the contest. who knows my uncle who can really eat joined also. *_*  Its really not easy to swallow the mooncake especially when it’s not cut. my twin aunts joined too. Aunt Bee started eating later because she had problem opening the plastic bag. she was the 4th to finish the mooncake, so i suppose she could get 3rd prize if she opened it earlier. and My Uncle in Red Won the 1st prize. This is my first time eating one whole piece of mooncake without cutting.

Dr Tat, if you are reading this, pls join next year so you can win for your dad.

Activity 6: Kids Game – Superheros

About 30 kids joined this game, and they were all lined up at the stage. the Emcee will switch between superman, spiderman, ultraman and batman. those who didnt posed it properly will be eliminated. seriously this is not easy, I tried it at home. oh and my bros and cousins didn’t win again 😛

Overall, i enjoyed the night and thank you to the organizers!

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